I am shown in the center during the re-enactment. Our costumes were beautiful.

People lining up to sign the declaration despite the rain.

Everyone at the signing and the re-enactment.

What a wonderful day it turned out to be, despite the rain, on Saturday where Feminists Choosing Life of New York held the 160th Anniversary celebration of the Declaration of Rights for Women & Children.
The original document had 100 signers and we were blessed, despite the cold rain, to have over 100 signers for the latest update Declaration of Rights for Women & Children.
The day started early with the re-enactment of Amelia Bloomer (played by me) introducing Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Many braved the weather to sign the declaration and to watch the re-enactment.
We then moved in a procession of loudly honking horns (we wanted to make sure that NOW knew the pro-lifers were in town) to the Seneca Falls Library where we were treated to speakers and food.
Wendy McVeigh, Vice President, FCL spoke first and it was so wonderful to see a a beautiful young woman like Wendy with such a passion for life and the values of motherhood.
Next, Suzanne Schnittman, PhD who is professor on Women's History gave a delightful talk as if she were Elizabeth Cady Stanton's daughter. She was so fun to listen to and her body language made her even more fun.
Our last speaker was Sue Wills, Esq. from the National Bishops Conference, Pro life Activities.
Susan was a wealth of information to our group. She also had a wonderful sense of humor. She opened up for questions after her life affirming talk and was willing/able to discuss politics with our group.
I was able to speak with her later in the morning and felt I could have talked to her all day about pro-life issues.
She said one thing that has stuck with me since our meeting. Sue said,"I get paid to do what I love in the pro-life movement. You people do not get paid to do this. You volunteer. You are the true heroes."
Wow!! How humble she was!
It as an incredible day and provided me with much fire and enthusiasm that I needed after the election results earlier this week.
"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit."
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
You can't really say much more than that. Elizabeth did a fine job pointing out reality.
I am so glad that God gave me the opportunity to participate in this event.
I also thank Kathy Peters for all she did to make the day wonderful. She is one awesome woman who is so positive, encouraging, and loving. She is one person who I hope to follow in the foot steps of during my pro-life journey.
Please consider doing your part in the pro-life movement. Pray for the pro-life movement, blog about it, volunteer, set-up programs, or whatever your talent is - use it to bring awareness to others that Life is a Gift from God. We do not have the right to choose who has life and who does not.
One more thing to consider: we must fight for the Right to Life for the unborn child and while we fight we must also work for the good of those unborn children once they are born. Those children become toddlers, preschoolers, school agers, teens, young adults, mature adults, elderly, etc.
Our support for life does not stop once we have worked to ensure the Right to Life. We must work at helping them have the basic needs, love, support, and to see God's kindness so that if they are ever faced with a decision to abort they will remember those who worked hard to help them have a better life and will say, "I will chose life, I will chose love." (Tom Booth).
I would also like to say to all my blogging buddies that you are all awesome and inspire me to work harder in the pro-life ring.
THANK YOU for your support, your love, and your encouragement.
You are all my shining starts.
Blessed be God Forever!
Rosary- Our Lady is waiting to hear from you!
This must have been an enobling experience. Praying...daily! Cathy
Great Post Kim, Great Pictures! Great job standing up for Life! I wish that I could have been there.
God Bless!
Drop by and pick up a Butterfly!
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