The statue above is in my Village of Seneca Falls.
It is a statue of Amelia Bloomer (center) introducing Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
These women are the foremothers for the Women's Right Movement.
For those of you who do not know, Seneca Falls is the home of Women's Rights and the National Women's Hall of Fame.
A surprising fact to most is that these women were pro-life.
Next weekend, I have been asked to help re-enact this historic meeting of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
I will play Amelia Bloomer and my good friend, Michelle will be playing Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
I am very excited about this because it means that I am recognized in my community as someone who is Pro-life; this is considered to be a bit radical in the community I live in.
It is not common to find like-minded people.
The re-enactment will be followed by a short conference defending life with pro-life speakers.
The exciting speaker (for me) will be Sue Wills, Esq. from the National Bishops Conference, Pro-life Activities.
We will also obtain 100 signatures on the New Declaration of Rights for Women & Children:160th Anniversary Declaration of Rights for Women and Children
Recalling 2008 marks the 160th anniversary of the Declaration of Sentiments written for the First Woman’s Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York as well as the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, Feminists Choosing Life of New York presents a compilation of human rights documents and pro-life feminist philosophies related to a consistent life ethic and wherein opposes abortion ,euthanasia, the death penalty and embryonic stem cell research as violations of basic human rights and,
It is the right and duty of every woman, equally with man, to promote every righteous cause by every righteous means, and especially in regard to her children and their security of life and happiness.[i]
Whereas the child by reason of his or her physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection before as well as after birth.[ii]
Whereas the woman, by reason of her child bearing capacity needs special safeguards and care thus seeks legal protection and accommodation for said capacity, in the home, workplace, and society[iii],
Therefore let it be hereby resolved that
"Every Human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall arbitrarily be deprived of his or her life”[iv]
Women and their children must not accept their current situation when they are deprived of special care and assistance they need[v]. (Art. 25).
Women must have full legal protection against those who take the life of her child.3
Women and children shall be free from violence at home and in public and be assured full legal protection against those who threaten the life of a woman or her children.3
Women and children must have full legal protection against all forms of non-consensual sex3.
Women and children shall have full access to affordable health care including pre and post natal care.3
Women and children must have full access to quality, affordable child-care and after-school care.3
Women and children must have access to affordable, appropriate campus housing for all parenting students.3
Sentences of death shall not be carried out on pregnant women.**** (International Convention of Civil and Political Rights.5 (Art. 5)
The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.5(Art. 16)
[i] Declaration of Sentiments
[ii] UN Preamble Declaration of the Rights of the Child
[iii] Feminists Choosing Life of New York
[iv] Article 6: The American Declaration on the Rights of the Child
[v] Declaration of the Rights of the Child
Recalling 2008 marks the 160th anniversary of the Declaration of Sentiments written for the First Woman’s Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York as well as the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, Feminists Choosing Life of New York presents a compilation of human rights documents and pro-life feminist philosophies related to a consistent life ethic and wherein opposes abortion ,euthanasia, the death penalty and embryonic stem cell research as violations of basic human rights and,
It is the right and duty of every woman, equally with man, to promote every righteous cause by every righteous means, and especially in regard to her children and their security of life and happiness.[i]
Whereas the child by reason of his or her physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection before as well as after birth.[ii]
Whereas the woman, by reason of her child bearing capacity needs special safeguards and care thus seeks legal protection and accommodation for said capacity, in the home, workplace, and society[iii],
Therefore let it be hereby resolved that
"Every Human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall arbitrarily be deprived of his or her life”[iv]
Women and their children must not accept their current situation when they are deprived of special care and assistance they need[v]. (Art. 25).
Women must have full legal protection against those who take the life of her child.3
Women and children shall be free from violence at home and in public and be assured full legal protection against those who threaten the life of a woman or her children.3
Women and children must have full legal protection against all forms of non-consensual sex3.
Women and children shall have full access to affordable health care including pre and post natal care.3
Women and children must have full access to quality, affordable child-care and after-school care.3
Women and children must have access to affordable, appropriate campus housing for all parenting students.3
Sentences of death shall not be carried out on pregnant women.**** (International Convention of Civil and Political Rights.5 (Art. 5)
The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.5(Art. 16)
[i] Declaration of Sentiments
[ii] UN Preamble Declaration of the Rights of the Child
[iii] Feminists Choosing Life of New York
[iv] Article 6: The American Declaration on the Rights of the Child
[v] Declaration of the Rights of the Child
NOW (National Organization of Women) will hold their convention at the Holiday Inn in Seneca Falls this same weekend and their BIGGEST agenda is pro-abortion/choice.
To counteract their pro-choice views, we will putting on this 160th Anniversary celebration to show that our feminist foremothers were pro-life and their strong commitment to Equal Rights for All Women and Children meant the unborn as well.
Please pray that in this town of pro-choicers that we will receive the support to show the world that pro-life is the only way to live!
Blessed be God Forever!
I'll take pictures and post them so you can see how things went!
Rosary for Life!
praying for a successful convention for the pro life women.
The gift is in the giving...give you best. And congratulations for being given such an honor. Cathy
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