Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Below is the link to the article in the Catholic Courier in regards to Saturday's Pro-life event!


Kathleen Miller said...


I read the article. I am so proud of you and your participation in this event to promote the Sanctity of Life.

You are challenging Feminists in a culture of death. Perhaps this is a true way to convert more FEMINISTS to a PRO-LIFE cause.

I like the way you think "out of the box' Kim- always finding new ways to promote LIfe!

Keep up the good work!

Love to you and your family,


Kimberly said...

Your words are so kind and I thank you. However, my efforts are so small compared to what many others are out there doing. I am only doing what God calls me to do and cannot give any credit to myself but only to Him!!

You know, you were the one who planted the mustard seed in me. I thank God that He sent you into my life and showed me the "true" Catholic Way to live life in harmony with Our Lord.

Blessed be God Forever!

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