Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Katie!!

Happy Birthday to my oldest goddaughter, Katie.

Today, she is celebrating her 11th birthday.

My Katie is so full of joy, wonder, awe of the world, but most of all, she if filled with the love of God.

She has always been a blessing in my life and I thank God that He has given me the chance to share in her life.

Katie, despite the miles between us--

I am always there for you; I am always praying for you; I am always loving you; I am always proud of you.

May God bless you today and every day of your life with His unconditional love and graces.

I love you Katie-bug, ladybug!

Blessed be God Forever!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Katie!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Why is it that we call the day after Thanksgiving "Black Friday" and everyone who was so busy being thankful the day before runs out to consume, consume, consume?
Do people flock to Mass on Good Friday to mourn the death of Jesus?
Doesn't this seemed wrong that we will shop and celebrate "Black Friday" and give so little thought to Good Friday; the day Our Lord died for our sins?
For me, Good Friday is more like Black Friday. I drape a black cloth in my home and outside on my porch.
I guess the point I am trying to make is that our society has turned a shopping event into something more important than the death of Jesus.
As we enter into Advent, may we all focus on the gift Our Father gave us--His Son.
As we progress through Advent, may we focus our hearts, souls, and minds on Jesus that as well come to Lent we will be able to see Good Friday as "Black Friday" and mourn for Our Lord so that on Easter Sunday we can Rejoice for the gift of the Resurrection.
Jesus died for our sins! Could we repay Him by making Him the center of our lives? Could we repay Him by working to save the unborn?
Blessed be God Forever!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am thankful for the life the God has given me.
I thankful for my husband, children, parents, brother, mother-in-law, sister-in-laws, brother-in-laws, nieces, nephews, godchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins, close friends, and all friends.
I am thankful for my blogging buddies and all my friends who are brought to me through Christ.
I am thankful I can vote.
I am thankful for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I am thankful for the freedom to worship in the Catholic Church.
I am thankful God called me to the Catholic Church.
I am thankful that I can receive Our Lord in the Eucharist.
I am thankful that I can visit Our Lord in the Blessed Tabernacle.
I am thankful that I can teach with the little knowledge I have the faith of the Catholic Church.
I am thankful that I can freely work to save the unborn.
I am thankful that I can freely write on my blog about protecting the unborn.
I am thankful that I can help try to make the world a better place.
I am thankful that I can work to better the social justice problems in our world.
I am thankful for my relationship with the Lord.
I am thankful for all the wonderful people God has put in my path.
I am thankful for the food, clothing, shelter, and many extras the Lord has given my family.
I am thankful for my husband's job.
I am thankful for our health.
I am thankful for the love I feel each day from many people.
I am thankful for each breathe I take.
I am thankful for the birds, the trees, the grass, the flowers, the clouds, the rain, the sunshine, the parks, our schools, and our world.
I am thankful for raindrops, snow, animals, my dog (Cissy), lakes, spiders, lady bugs, grass hoppers, and much more.
I have thankful for the stars.
I am thankful for being able to be thankful.
I am thankful for all the wonder blogs I read, learn from , and grow in faith from.
I am thankful for being able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents and our friends, the other Mike and Kathy Miller (from Seneca Falls).
I am thankful I have great kids who love God and take their faith seriously.
I am thankful that I am blessed with many good things in my life.
I am thankful for the times I must bear the cross since I know that it will only help me grow closer to Our Lord.
I am thankful for being me and for being a child of God.
I am thankful that I have people come and read my blog.
I am thankful that I can once again ask all of you to help save the unborn, to pray the rosary, and to help with social justice issues in this country.
I am thankful that I can ask you to pray for President Bush as he ends his term and to pray for President-elect Obama that he have a change of heart in regards to abortion.
I am thankful that I can stand outside Planned Parenthood and pray to end abortion.
I am thankful for all those who work so hard to stop abortion.
Blessed be God Forever!
Please pray your rosary today!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy 11th Birthday to my dear Joseph!!


Today we celebrate my second youngest child, Jospeh's 11th Birthday.

Joseph is a joy and a great blessing in our lives.

He always makes us stop and listen to what other possibilites there are in life.

He is a talented musician, a good athlete, a hardworking student, and a compassionate young man.

He is also serves Our Lord at the altar with his brother.

He is my shining star and today, I thank God for his presence in my life.

I love you Joseph Hevron Burke!!

God bless you on your special day!

Blessed Be God Forever!
Failure is not the final word.

Love is the final word.

And love is the most living thing of all because love is of God.

--- George Wiegel

Love is the final word and I know that as long as we unite together and love each other, we will win the battle against this culture of death.

We will have the final word and we will show the world that God is love!

God's love should motivate us to make the world a better place and to start with the unborn.

Blessed be God forever and may you know that He loves you more than you will ever know!
Here is a link to the Westchester Institute and a great article that you want to take the time to read in regards to Obama and the pro-life forces. It is a good article and you should consider signing up for their newsletters.
Thank you and say your Rosary for the pro-life movement!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

---MLK Jr.

and I may add that means in the womb as well!!!

If we don't show justice there, then where it there justice?

God bless you and may find it in your heart to fight for justice in the womb.

From there, fight for justice for those that you fought for while in the womb.

The pro-life fight does not stop once the babies are born.

We need to help these babies grow up to know the love, support, and kindness that helped them be born.

Be the person God intended for you to be and you will help make this world an awesome place.

Blessed be God Forever!


Pray the Rosary!

The Blessed Mother is pro-life--she had Jesus, didn't she?

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does!!

--Wm. James

You make a difference in how you treat others.

You make a difference on how your live your life.

You make a difference when you stand up for the defenseless.

You make a difference when you pray.

You make a difference when you hug your children.

You make a difference when you smile at a stranger.

You make a difference when you get up each and try to make the world a better place.

You make a difference by just being in this world.

You make a difference becasue God is good and He is the creator of ALL!!!

You make a difference because you believe God is calling you to love his people.

You make a difference so why not inspire others to do the same?

Why not try to help save the unborn??

This will make a huge difference!

Blessed be God Forever!


Don't forget to say your rosary!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Book Review: Graced and Gifted: Biblical Wisdom for the Homemakers Heart By Kimberly Hahn

By Kimberly Hahn

Being a book reviewer for The Catholic Company, I am blessed with being able to read Catholic material that relates to my life.
My latest book review touches the core of my heart since my vocations of motherhood and marriage are my paths to the Lord.

Kimberly Hahn reminds me that my work as a Homemaker has extraordinary grace available to me through the sacraments.
I have always thought of my vocation as Holy, but never related them to the sacraments.
God calls us to be that woman. She also shows her readers how to apply the Proverbs 31 woman's wisdom, grace, and gentleness into our own lives as well care for our families.

She also discusses the importance of Prayer, Person, Partner, Parent, and Provider and how they relate to the sacraments. I was simply amazed at how she was able to connect the mundane work that I do each and every day with the sacraments. I was felt a new sense of joy when I thought of my chores and duties at home as a fulfillment of the sacraments. This really brought about a new way of thinking for me.
Kimberly states,"It's a joy to know that even though you walk your own path, you do not walk alone." So many mothers/wives feel this way. They are walking there path and no one is there to support them. However, we do have Our Lord and the sacraments to support us.
Kimberly's book encourages to respond to our Lord with, "Yes, Lord, for you I will ..." When you realize that you are working for the Lord by taking care of your family, you have a new joy put into your work.
Kimberly writes that ordinary work gives us extraordinary grace. We need to model after the Proverbs 31 woman by caring for the practical needs of our household, work with willing hands, realize our small efforts count, and to cook with the right attitude.
She encourages her readers to say to the Lord while they are cooking, "Lord, help me to bless my family with this meal."
I asked this of the Lord the first night I made a meal after reading Kimberly's words and I have to say it made me feel peaceful while cooking for my family rather than dreading preparing the meal.
Time is a gift--these minutes will never occur again writes Kimberly. She is right about this and so we must work hard to manage our time wisely to best serve the Lord and our families. Her book gives wonderful examples and ideas on how to do this.
Kimberly's book should be a gift that each young Catholic woman receives before her wedding day. It would help her set a strong foundation for her marriage, her faith life, and for her future .
I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to put Christ back as the focus of their lives and to put joy back into the task of the everyday life stuff.
This review was written as part of the The Catholic Company product review program. Visit the Catholic Company to find out more information on Kimberly Hahn's book Graced and gifted: Biblical Wisdom for the Homemakers Heart.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dr. Seus once said,"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
He is right; unless we care a whole awful lot about defeating abortion and loving our neighbors, things will not get better.
I encourage each of you today to get out there in the trenches and fight the pro-life fight. I encourage each of you to get out there and love your neighbor.
I encourage each of you to take pray up as your weapon to defeat the evils of this world.
I encourage each of you to start your day with prayer; pray without ceasing!
Blessed Be God Forever!
Rosary-- Our Lady is waiting to help you take up the fight. Let her be your guide!
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant!

--- Martin Luther King Jr.

So it shall be with the pro-life movement!!! We may have a temporary set-back with President elect Obama, but we are right and so we will be stronger than evil at its glory!

This urgent prayer request has come to me by my dear friend Kathy over at the Daily Grotto--

We must pray hard for a 16 year old who is seeking an abortion in the next 2 weeks. Her mother has full knowledge and seems to be supportive. It seems it is the grandmother (a devout Catholic and a friend of Kathy's) who is trying to help her young granddaughter have a change of heart.

Thank you prayer warriors! I will keep you updated on how things go. Until then, don't stop praying!

Blessed be God forever!



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Below is the link to the article in the Catholic Courier in regards to Saturday's Pro-life event!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Will the Real Feminists Please Stand Up?

Sue Wills, Esq. from the National Bishops Conference Washington D.C. to speak.
Feminists Choosing Life of New York sign by the famous statue.

I am shown in the center during the re-enactment. Our costumes were beautiful.

People lining up to sign the declaration despite the rain.

Everyone at the signing and the re-enactment.

Here I am standing in the rain thanking Christine for coming from 40 Days for Life that took place in Rochester, NY. I meet her the weekend before and she was there to support us. I was so happy to see her there. She really is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.

Statue in Seneca Falls, NY where Amelia Bloomer introduced Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. This is also the site that the event took place.

What a wonderful day it turned out to be, despite the rain, on Saturday where Feminists Choosing Life of New York held the 160th Anniversary celebration of the Declaration of Rights for Women & Children.

The original document had 100 signers and we were blessed, despite the cold rain, to have over 100 signers for the latest update Declaration of Rights for Women & Children.

The day started early with the re-enactment of Amelia Bloomer (played by me) introducing Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

Many braved the weather to sign the declaration and to watch the re-enactment.

We then moved in a procession of loudly honking horns (we wanted to make sure that NOW knew the pro-lifers were in town) to the Seneca Falls Library where we were treated to speakers and food.

Wendy McVeigh, Vice President, FCL spoke first and it was so wonderful to see a a beautiful young woman like Wendy with such a passion for life and the values of motherhood.

Next, Suzanne Schnittman, PhD who is professor on Women's History gave a delightful talk as if she were Elizabeth Cady Stanton's daughter. She was so fun to listen to and her body language made her even more fun.

Our last speaker was Sue Wills, Esq. from the National Bishops Conference, Pro life Activities.

Susan was a wealth of information to our group. She also had a wonderful sense of humor. She opened up for questions after her life affirming talk and was willing/able to discuss politics with our group.
I was able to speak with her later in the morning and felt I could have talked to her all day about pro-life issues.

She said one thing that has stuck with me since our meeting. Sue said,"I get paid to do what I love in the pro-life movement. You people do not get paid to do this. You volunteer. You are the true heroes."
Wow!! How humble she was!

It as an incredible day and provided me with much fire and enthusiasm that I needed after the election results earlier this week.
"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit."
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
You can't really say much more than that. Elizabeth did a fine job pointing out reality.
I am so glad that God gave me the opportunity to participate in this event.
I also thank Kathy Peters for all she did to make the day wonderful. She is one awesome woman who is so positive, encouraging, and loving. She is one person who I hope to follow in the foot steps of during my pro-life journey.
Please consider doing your part in the pro-life movement. Pray for the pro-life movement, blog about it, volunteer, set-up programs, or whatever your talent is - use it to bring awareness to others that Life is a Gift from God. We do not have the right to choose who has life and who does not.

One more thing to consider: we must fight for the Right to Life for the unborn child and while we fight we must also work for the good of those unborn children once they are born. Those children become toddlers, preschoolers, school agers, teens, young adults, mature adults, elderly, etc.
Our support for life does not stop once we have worked to ensure the Right to Life. We must work at helping them have the basic needs, love, support, and to see God's kindness so that if they are ever faced with a decision to abort they will remember those who worked hard to help them have a better life and will say, "I will chose life, I will chose love." (Tom Booth).
I would also like to say to all my blogging buddies that you are all awesome and inspire me to work harder in the pro-life ring.
THANK YOU for your support, your love, and your encouragement.
You are all my shining starts.
Blessed be God Forever!
Rosary- Our Lady is waiting to hear from you!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Life is life: born and unborn.

-Cindy Sheehan, May 4, 2006

That is the reality of God's Divine Work.

He created life!

No need to debate it! No need to fight it!

Remember, We did not invent God-

He invented us.

Lets start acting like the children of God instead of spoiled brats that think only of themselves!

Blessed Be God Forever!

"I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then."

Deut. 30:17

God is pro-life, are you?

What have you done today to help make the pro-life cause heard?

What have you done today to save the unborn baby?

Your prayers for the unborn baby and the pro-life cause would be a great first step.

Then would you please decide to get out in the trenches and join other pro-lifers to do God's work?

As Ablert Einstein said,"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

Ask God what it is He is calling you to do to help the pro-life cause.

As we sang in Mass tonight, "Here I am, Lord; Is it I, Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord; if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart."
Follow where the Lord wants you to go; His ways are the only ways worth living.
Blessed be God Forever!
Tomorrow, I will post about my absolutely wonderful and moving day as Amelia Bloomer, being part of the Feminist Choosing Life Conference, and listening to Susan Will from the USCB Pro-life Actitivies Office.
I will also post pictures!
Rosary for Life!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world---

Anne Frank

What are you waiting for?

Ask God for His guidance and to know His Will so that you have all the tools you need to get started on making the world a better place!

Blessed be God Forever!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

" Pray without ceasing." (1 Thes. 5:17)
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter---

Martin Luther King Jr.

I will not become silent.

I will speak out!

I will shout!

I will scream!

I will let the world know abortion is murder!

I will also do this with great love and humbleness!

As Martin Luther King Jr. said," When you are right you cnnot be too radical; When you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative."

I am right and know in my heart the Lord has called me to fight this "Culture of Death."

I will also respect and pray for our 44th President of the United States, Barrack Obama.
I will follow the words of Lucy Larcom:
If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.
Blessed be God forever!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Here I am, Lord; I have come to do your Will.

Tonight, I must turn all over to my Lord and trust that He will guide me in what I am to do so that I may contribute in the fight to combat the "Culture of Death."

I will work until I am bone tired to fight the "Culture of Death."

I will work to teach my children over and over again with much love that only God's Will matters and we are to know, to love, and to serve Him.

I will lovingly teach my children that they cannot stand by and let the innocent be killed.

I will also lovingly teach my children that we will not be one issue Catholics.

We will place life at the top of our priority; however, we will work to improve social justice issues within our country.

I will do this, so help me God, with much love, prayers, and humbleness.
Thank you God for letting me live in a country where I have a right to vote. Thank you God for letting me live in a country where I have religious freedom and the freedom of speech.

Thank you good for letting me join you in fighting the "Culture of Death."

Let me be your eyes, your ears, your hands, your feet, your voice.

Let me be the voice of the unborn, the poor, the hungry, the lonely, and the those who need my suport.
Let me do your Will with love, with humbleness, and with your guidance.
Blessed be God Forever!
Rosary now more than ever!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Abortion is Murder!!

I saw this on a website and wanted to repeat it:
A vote for Obama is a vote for dead children.
Will you be able to justify to these children on Judgement Day why you vote for a candidate that did not protect them from abortion??
Chose Life, Your mother did!!!

I will chose life!

Vote Pro-Life!!

I would like to see Obama tell Blessed Mother Teresa about what his first act as President of the United States would be.
I know that she would be horrified to hear about the Freedom of Choice Act. I know she would be saddened over the fact that Obama does not have the interest of the unborn in his heart.
Blessed Mother Teresa would be praying a lot for Obama.
She knew the value of life and she knew what true social justice was.
She lived with and served the poorest of the poor and she felt that abortion was murder. She felt that every person should have a chance at time.
Perhaps Obama, you should have found people like her to advise you on your policies.
Pray for those voting tomorrow that they will see Life as precious and will see Obama's life policies unbearable to live with.
Pray also for Obama that he will have a change of heart in regards to his extreme abortion views.
Please pray a rosary for life!
Blessed be God Forever!

Rosary Time!

There is no time more needed than the present time to be praying to Our Lady for her intercession. Please say a rosary for Life!
Our Lady is waiting to hear from you!
Blessed be God Forever!

My All Saints Day with 40 Days for Life!

Picture above are a few of the wonderful people I prayed with during my time with 40 Days for Life.
I spent time on All Saints Day with a wonderful and devout crew of Catholics in front of the Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill in Rochester, NY.
It was a bit nippy, but while we were praying the rosary the sun came through and seemed to be God smiling on us.
I had the little ones with me and wish the older boys could have joined us as well, but schedules did not allow it.
The people praying at the vigil site were kind, generous, and so loving.
We prayed and prayed and prayed.
I have to say that when I drove by the Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill to get to the vigil, I felt evil itself lurking in the air.
My stomach turned when I thought about this being a place where babies are murdered and I , first as a Catholic- Second as a mother- and third as a registered nurse that I could not run in there and do something about it.
How heavy my heart felt!
I turned it over to God and joined by fellow pro-lifers in praying!
We briefly discussed our concerns in regards to the election, but I know that if the election does not turn its favor to LIFE that this will only urge all of us to work harder and to have a stronger faith in the Lord.
I want to thank the wonderful 40 Days for Life crew I meet on Sunday, to Jose for all his hard work for organizing, and David Bereit, National Campaign Director40 Days for Life for the amazing job that he did.
I hope next year to organize a 40 Days for Life in my community and I encourage each of you to consider doing the same.
A close and dear friend reminded me that it is one thing to say you are pro-life and do nothing and it is another to get out there in the trenches so you get dirty.
I think it is time for more of us to get dirty.
Blessed be God Forever!


Why I do what I do!

I do what I do to help be a better person, to love my neighbor, to help the homeless, to feed to hungry, to give time to the lonely, to defend life because I love God.
I also do it because I love these four kids.
They make me each day want to be a better person.
Loving them tells my heart that I must work to make this world a better place.
Loving them tells me that I must teach them that loving God means being a servant and by being a servant, they are to take care of the vulnerable, the homeless, the hungry, the poor, the lonely, and to care about those that make the laws in our country and VOTE!!!!
I must make sure that I leave no doubt in their minds what the Catholic Church teaches so that they will never come to a time in their life when they must ponder who the best candidate may be.
They will already have it written on their hearts: the one that supports the right to life and social justice issues.
Loving these four kids makes it imperative that I teach them that the Right to Life is the foundation of all other rights and without the Right to Life no other right matters.
Blessed be God Forever!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Will the real feminists please stand up?

The statue above is in my Village of Seneca Falls.
It is a statue of Amelia Bloomer (center) introducing Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
These women are the foremothers for the Women's Right Movement.
For those of you who do not know, Seneca Falls is the home of Women's Rights and the National Women's Hall of Fame.
A surprising fact to most is that these women were pro-life.
Next weekend, I have been asked to help re-enact this historic meeting of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
I will play Amelia Bloomer and my good friend, Michelle will be playing Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
I am very excited about this because it means that I am recognized in my community as someone who is Pro-life; this is considered to be a bit radical in the community I live in.
It is not common to find like-minded people.
The re-enactment will be followed by a short conference defending life with pro-life speakers.
The exciting speaker (for me) will be Sue Wills, Esq. from the National Bishops Conference, Pro-life Activities.
We will also obtain 100 signatures on the New Declaration of Rights for Women & Children:160th Anniversary Declaration of Rights for Women and Children

Recalling 2008 marks the 160th anniversary of the Declaration of Sentiments written for the First Woman’s Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York as well as the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, Feminists Choosing Life of New York presents a compilation of human rights documents and pro-life feminist philosophies related to a consistent life ethic and wherein opposes abortion ,euthanasia, the death penalty and embryonic stem cell research as violations of basic human rights and,

It is the right and duty of every woman, equally with man, to promote every righteous cause by every righteous means, and especially in regard to her children and their security of life and happiness.

Whereas the child by reason of his or her physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection before as well as after birth.

Whereas the woman, by reason of her child bearing capacity needs special safeguards and care thus seeks legal protection and accommodation for said capacity, in the home, workplace, and society

Therefore let it be hereby resolved that

"Every Human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall arbitrarily be deprived of his or her life”

Women and their children must not accept their current situation when they are deprived of special care and assistance they need
[v]. (Art. 25).

Women must have full legal protection against those who take the life of her child.

Women and children shall be free from violence at home and in public and be assured full legal protection against those who threaten the life of a woman or her children.

Women and children must have full legal protection against all forms of non-consensual sex

Women and children shall have full access to affordable health care including pre and post natal care.

Women and children must have full access to quality, affordable child-care and after-school care.

Women and children must have access to affordable, appropriate campus housing for all parenting students.

Sentences of death shall not be carried out on pregnant women.**** (International Convention of Civil and Political Rights.
5 (Art. 5)
The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.
5(Art. 16)
[i] Declaration of Sentiments
[ii] UN Preamble Declaration of the Rights of the Child
[iii] Feminists Choosing Life of New York
[iv] Article 6: The American Declaration on the Rights of the Child
Declaration of the Rights of the Child

NOW (National Organization of Women) will hold their convention at the Holiday Inn in Seneca Falls this same weekend and their BIGGEST agenda is pro-abortion/choice.
To counteract their pro-choice views, we will putting on this 160th Anniversary celebration to show that our feminist foremothers were pro-life and their strong commitment to Equal Rights for All Women and Children meant the unborn as well.
Please pray that in this town of pro-choicers that we will receive the support to show the world that pro-life is the only way to live!
Blessed be God Forever!
I'll take pictures and post them so you can see how things went!
Rosary for Life!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

We have saved a baby!

Great news my prayer warriors--

we have saved a baby!

My friends daughter has made the right choice on keeping her baby. Not sure if she will raise the baby or give it up for adoption, but she has chosen life for this little one.

Blessed be God forever!

Please pray that she will return to her Catholic faith and ask God for his guidance in her decision.

Please pray for me and my family as we attend the 40 Days for Life Vigil in Rochester, NY today in front of the Planned Parenthood.

We are so exicted to be praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ to stop Abortion!

Thank you again for your prayers!

Our Lady of Victory, Pray of Us!


Don't forget your rosary!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request

Urgent Prayer Request!!!
A friend of mine (who is a devout Catholic) confided in me that her 17 year old daughter has strayed from her faith and has become sexually active with her boyfriend.
She has become pregnant and my friend thinks she is planning on sneaking out of state to have an abortion.
Believe it or not, in NY you have to be 18 to have an abortion without parental consent.
If the election outcome is not a pro-life outcome, this young child would be able to have an abortion without her parents consenting.
However, we are doing interventions with this young child and also calling in the reinforcements with a few women who have had abortions themselves and a few priests from other areas who are heavily involved in the Right to Life Culture.
Could you pleas say a pray for this family?
My friend is a recovering alcoholic and fell off the wagon yesterday. She is very fragile and I am supporting her in anyway that I can.
I have told her that she needs to turn this all over to God, which she normally does.
However, the thought of her daughter having an abortion is so heavy on her right now.
I know I can count on my prayer warriors!
I also pray for my husband and I. We have decided to become even further invovled with our pro-life views and the pro-life movement.
We asked God to send us a sign that this is what we were suppose to be doing and the very next day--my friend calls with this.
Amazing how the Lord works!
Pray we can do His work and follow His Will!
Blessed be God Forever!

Catholic Carnival mm196

Catholic Carnival 196 has been up for a few days and I am little behind in getting info. out.
Please take the time to read this wonderful exposure to other Catholic blogs and the wisdom each of them has to share with the blogging world.
Please, will you say a "Hail Mary" for these bloggers.
Thank you and blessed be God forever!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I must apologize for not posting much during these times when encouraging others to Vote for Life is so important. I am determined that Satan has control of my computer or that my computer is Pro-Choice. Thankfully, I am able to use my husband's laptop today to post.
This is a time when all should be saying their novenas for Life and praying their rosaries for life.
I am blessed to have a good friend, Dan Kane who works for The Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person.
Basically, the Institute is a Catholic Think Tank.
Dan emailed me yesterday with exciting news: Westchester Institute has released a paper that I think all of you will be interested in and I think is a must read. The paper is Westchester Institute White Paper on Conception.

The Westchester Institute for Ethics and the Human Person ed officially publish their inaugural White Paper – When Does Human Life Begin?– A Scientific Perspective authored by Senior Fellow Maureen Condic, Ph.D. This paper describes scientifically and logically that life begins and can only begin at the moment of conception with conception described as the moment the sperm cell enters the cell wall of the egg.

Not at heart beat, brain waves, implantation in the uterus, or any other arbitrary point in the continuum of human life.

The faithful Christian in general and Catholics in particular see no conflict between science and Faith because all truth stems from the One who referred to Himself as the “…the way, the truth and the life.” (Jn 14:6). The truth of the matter at hand, demonstrated in this paper, is that a human person, self-directing his life and development is present the moment the sperm penetrates the egg. For centuries, people of faith and people of good will have taken this fact on faith or on the “word of any medical text”. Here today, in one place are the details, laid out by a professional biologist ratifying scientifically a point we have always known by faith.

This of course, does not end the abortion discussion. It does, however, better define what we are discussing - that scientifically, this is and can only be a human life from the first instance of sperm and egg union.

The Westchester Institute is indeed proud to present this paper at no charge on our website at

Daniel F. Kane
Institute Fellow & Special Assistant for Operations
The Westchester Institute for Ethics
& the Human Person
Cell: 770.335.0263
I encourage you to read the paper and then let Dan know (his email is stated above) how you came across the paper (I would like to continue to show him that he can receive feedback from my blog ) and to give him and his colleagues support in their work for the Human Person through their Ethics work.

Here is another link to the Institute on an article written by Fr. Thomas titled Expect Obama to Sign FOCA int he first 100 days.

We must be constant with our prayers!
May God give you the strength and the grace to help fight this Culture of Death!
Blessed be God forever!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!

Happy Annivesary to my parents, Grace and Jerry!

They are two amazing people who have been a wonderful example to my brother, my husband, my children, and myself on the importance of working at a marriage.

May God bless them with many more years of love, joy, friendship, and peace.

Thank you mom and dad for being the great and wonderful people that you are!

Blessed be God forever!

I love you!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

G.K. Chesterton

I just love G.K. Chesterton. I find him to be wise and he was well ahead of his.

Here are a few quotes I would like to share of his:

To have the right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it. (This can be applied to abortion)

Let all the babies be born. Then let us drown those who do not like it. ( again, applied to abortion; however, I know it is not nice to drown people)
Blessed be God Forever!

Catholic Carnival 195 is up!!

Catholic Carnival 195 is up and ready for you to read. Take a few moments to read the great posts all these Catholic blogs have to offer. It is a great way to meet new Catholics and find new Catholic blogs to explore.

God Bless and thank you!


Blessed Be God Forever!

Don't forget your Rosary for Life today!!

Pharmacy that follows the Catholic Faith's Teachings

Please follow this link to a CNN story on a Pharmacy that follows Church teaching. Then after reading this story, pray that Catholics (as well as others) will be drawn to patronize this pharmacy. Please pray that this pharmacy will be an example to the rest of the world. How important a pharmacy like this is for me since my son will be attending pharmacy school next Fall. Just think, to work in a place that you did not have to worry about refusing to fill a script and worry about keeping your job. I pray more will follow this example and the world will respect those of us who follow what our faith and Our Lord teaches.

God is Good!

Blessed be God forever!


Pray your rosary for Life today, please!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Campbell Brown and how the politicians should spent there money! Worth the read!!

By Campbell Brown CNN

Editor's note: Campbell Brown anchors CNN's "Campbell Brown: Election Center" at 8 p.m. ET Mondays through Fridays. She delivered this commentary during the "Cutting through the Bull" segment of Thursday night's broadcast.

CNN's Campbell Brown says the candidates should spend their campaign money helping the homeless. (would it not speak volumes about the character of a person that stopped unfunding their political adds and started feeding the poor and homeless???? Think about it.)

NEW YORK (CNN) -- In the middle of an economic crisis, with a lot of Americans worried to death about how they are going to pay their bills, our two presidential candidates are about to spend an astonishing amount of money kicking the "you know what" out of each other on national television.
This year they are breaking all records in terms of the amount of money spent and the number of negative ads. (yes, spending money where it is needed most-- with the poor--is the best way to run a campgain, I think).
A study by the Wisconsin Advertising Project at the University of Wisconsin at Madison says the campaigns will spend a combined $30 million dollars a week on ads between now and Election Day, the vast majority, negative.

According to Wednesday's Wall Street Journal, negative ads are having almost no impact this election cycle. The journal's headline: Ready, Aim, Backfire: Nasty Political Ads Fall Flat.

Why? According to one quote, "Arguing about personal associations pales in comparison to the current grim economic news."

Still between now and Election Day, Obama and McCain are going to spend a combined $30 million dollars a week.

So I'm going to throw a crazy idea on the table that I don't think is that crazy. There is a food bank in Provo, Utah, that feeds the homeless. Joalaina Redbird takes her three small children there. They have all three meals there everyday. They became homeless two months ago when her husband lost his construction job. This food bank is running low on supplies; they have issued an emergency call for help. Because of our economic crisis, donations are way down and the number of people they are feeding is way up.

This story is being repeated all over the country. The Northlands Rescue Mission, a homeless shelter in Grand Forks, North Dakota, is bursting at the seams every night with record numbers of homeless showing up needing a place to sleep, again, a result of our economic troubles. And guess what -- these charities are out of money. No one is giving in these tough times.

So, Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain, how about instead of spending that $30 million a week kicking the "you know what" out of each other between now and Election Day, you pool your money and you give it to that food bank in Provo, Utah, so Joalaina Redbird's kids can get three square meals a day until her husband finds another job.

Give the money to that homeless shelter in Grand Forks or any of the hundreds of charities around this country that are trying to help desperate people get through these difficult times.

If you really care about hurting Americans, put your money where your mouth is and spare us three more weeks of negative ads.

I don't think I need to add anymore than what has already said besides, "Vote for Life and Help those who need help. Follow in the footsteps of Christ and love your neighbor."

Blessed Be God forever!!


Rosary for Life--don't forget to pray it!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


A Vote for Obama is a Vote for Dead Children!!

I just saw this sign on another blog and it pretty much sums it all up; I doubt there is anything I can say that makes it more clear unless you want to add that a vote for Obama is a vote for minors being allowed to have abortions without parental consent when they still need a parent to go to doctors appointments with them or a note from a parent saying why they were absent from school or to go on a field trip. Give me a huge break! When did Obama become an expert on what is good for American children?

Wake up America!

Abortion is Murder and Murder is against the law.

Why do we let this happen in our country?

Blessed be God Forever!

Rosary for Life

Please follow the link to The Daily Grotto to read Kathy's post and amazing picture of McClain.

Kathy is encouraging others to join her in praying the rosary each day until election day for McCain/Palin and the pro-life movement.

Please join us as we pray for LIFE!!

Thank you Kathy for getting this started.

The more we pray the more the world will know that Life is precious and murder is wrong!

Blessed be God forever!



My brother should be landing back in Camp LeJune, North Carolina as I write!!

A prayer of thanksgiving to Our Lord, who gives us all good things!

Today, my brother returns from his second tour in Iraq.

I rejoice that he is coming home safely.

I pray that he will have a smooth adjustment back to our world.

Only God knows what he has seen and what he has experience while in Iraq, he worked hand-in-hand with the Iraqui police.

Please keep him in your prayers as he works through all that he has gone through during his time in Iraq. Please keep his soldiers in your prayers as well.

My parents are there (and as I write he should have arrived by now) to welcome him home.

Pray my parents will have a wonderful homecoming with him, they will have a safe return to Indiana, and it will be a great time of bonding for them with Kevin.

Thank you for your prayers!

I would post his picture, but my internet explorer keeps

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

MIchelle's Own Words

"They know his heart, they know his spirit, and the thing that I just encourage people is to judge Barack and judge all of these candidates based on what they do, their actions, their character, what they do in their lives rather than what somebody [else] did when they were 8."

-----Michelle Obama speaking with Larry King during an interview

Michelle's words are very touching (honestly) and when I heard them on the interview and then reread them, I know she believes them with all her heart. However, I just wonder what type of heart a person and what type of spirit a person must have to want to so willingly sign the Freedom of Choice Act that would enable babies to continue to be murdered with less restriction, minors 13 or older can have abortion without parental consent, and babies born alive after a botched abortion do not have the protection of medical attention.

It saddens me to think that a person could think so little of life , especially a person that is running for president.

I pray for Obama that he will have a change of heart. Life is precious, life is good, and Life is a gift from God.

Blessed be God Forever!


Remember your Rosary!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Economy is temporary, Life is Eternal.

God is in charge.

What this economic meltdown should teach us is that our hope is not in the things of this earth, but in God.

--Dr. Alveda King

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayers and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests know to God.

Phil. 4:6

Please pray your rosary today for there are so many things that need our prayers!!

Blessed be God forever!! Headlines Headline Animator